Lean is…
Lean is continuous reform.
Lean is the roadmap to cutting waste in government;
Lean transforms what doesn’t work into world class efficiency.
Lean is not about cutting grandma‚Äôs social security check, it’s about guaranteeing it will always be there by cutting the waste out of goverment.
Lean would not drop a dime into a business that is run like the government?
Lean eliminates red tape and creates jobs and boundless opportunity.
Lean is not a top down austerity program, it empowers people at all levels to thoughtfully removing waste on a daily bases.
Lean unleashes innovation.
Lean Burrito
Shows you simple ways to eliminate waste… lower costs… and save time.
Get a taste of lean thinking with the “Lean Burrito.”
Brittney’s Lean Improvement
Brittney discusses Lean ideas to improve the 2P-10 work area.
Lean is used for Wax Sticks Improvement
FastCap Team members discuss improving the wax sticks area.
Improving Marc’s desk station
Marc discusses improving his desk station with Lean. Who knew a stand up desk could feel so good?
FastEdge Rack Lean Improvement
Alexi and Tim discuss using Lean to improve working with the FastEdge rack.
Tim uses Lean to improve his work area
Tim discusses how he used Lean and FastCap’s Electric Trim Ring (ETR) to improve his work area.
Cindy uses Lean to improve the gondola
FastCap Team members discuss using Lean to improve the gondola.