Paul’s Bookshelf

2 Second Lean - 3rd Edition: How to Grow People and Build a Fun Lean Culture
The 5 Big Lies about American Business: Combating Smears Against the Free-Market Economy
The 50 Best Tips EVER for Triathlon Swimming, Biking and Running
80/20 Running: Run Stronger and Race Faster by Training Slower
Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think
America the Beautiful: Rediscovering What Made This Nation Great
American Icon: Alan Mulally and the Fight to Save Ford Motor Company
American Legends: The Life of Henry Ford
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The Way to Wealth, +Bonus Biographies & Books [ILLUSTRATED & ANNOTATED]
The Aviators: Eddie Rickenbacker, Jimmy Doolittle, Charles Lindbergh, and the Epic Age of Flight
Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics
Benjamin Franklin: An American Life
The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined
Blue-Collar Kaizen: Leading Lean & Lean Teams
Bringing Out the Best in People
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Runners - 39 Stories about Pushing Through, Where It Takes You, and Triathlons
The Contrarian's Guide to Leadership
Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World
Critical Business Skills for Success