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Are you making Lean fun?

The guys at Cambridge Engineering made this video. Nothing like having fun at work!

Who says engineers can’t be fun?

Check out what we did with all the space saved with Tyler’s lean improvement with the nuts and bolts storage area at FastCap. Who says engineers can’t be fun?

Details on the original improvement by Tyler:

For more information on FastCap’s Kaizen Boxes, go to this link.

For more information on FastCap’s Erasable Kaizen Labels, go to this link.

For more information on FastCap’s The 11th Finger, go to this link.

12.31.15 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap, Lean Fun

Why bodybuilding at age 93 is a great idea

We watched this TEDx talk given by Charles Eugster in Zurich. So good and funny, too! Get out there and work, move, and eat right!

Six Sigma (funny)

Good thing we have2 Second Lean!!!

04.02.15 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fun

Lean Shirt Removal

Now that’s lean!!!

03.27.15 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fun

Lean Smart Phones

10 Smart Phone Life Hacks that really are lean!!!

03.23.15 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fun

Lean Fruit

Sometimes you can practice lean without even knowing it. How many lean principles are being used here?

Lean Scooter

Paul Akers explains how Callie came up with a great idea to put magnets on the end of the scooter handlebars. Now, it is not only a lean (and fun) way to get around FastCap. It also is a lean way to store the scooters not in use.

For more information on the magnets used in this solution (FastCap’s PowerMags), go to this link.

09.25.14 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap, Lean Fun

Caveman Waste

Kevin shows us just how easy Lean can be! Too funny!

For more information on lean, visit 2 Second Lean.

Lean way to “cut the cheese”!

Hi Paul !!

Here at Con-way Truckload we are beginning the Lean journey. My boss, our President, has given us books to read, but as a single parent of two boys, time is precious and finding time to read is difficult. So I thought, I spend 50 minutes a day in the car just driving back and forth to work, not to mention all the time driving to practices, games, church, birthday parties for my kids friends …. and so on and so on. Therefore, to make the best use of my time, rather than listening to music, I decided to find some audio books on Lean. So I started doing some Google searches and found you, then went to iTunes and downloaded your audiobook, 2 Second Lean !!! What a great book !! I’ve listened to it three times in the last couple of weeks and enjoy it each time, and learn something new also.

You talk a lot about “having fun with Lean”, so I thought this story was funny, probably because of the title, but it’s goes along with what you talk about in regards to Lean at home. Here’s the story:

My 10 year old takes his lunch every day. And every day (along with a sandwich, fruit cup and other items) he likes to have two small slices of Pepper Jack cheese. So before listening to your book, every night while making his lunch, I would get out the brick of Pepper Jack cheese, get out a knife, open the package, cut off two slices, put them in a zip lock bag, put the cheese away, put the zip lock bags away, wash the knife and put the knife away. So now I’m beginning to think Lean, and this past Sunday evening, I get out the cheese, make enough packets for all week, then put everything away and wash the knife. So before your book, I was getting out and opening the cheese 5 times a week, getting out and putting away the zip lock bags 5 times a week, washing a knife 5 times, etc. etc. Now, I get out the cheese and zip lock bags once, wash one knife and I’m done.

So as I was doing this last Sunday evening, I was thinking about you and your book. Then I laughed and thought, this Lean is amazing ………………… there’s even a Lean way to “cut the cheese” !!!!

Thanks for your passion for Lean !!!!

Randy Cornell
Vice President – Maintenance
Con-way Truckload

04.12.13 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fun, Lean News