Month: August 2016
Thank You Ritsuo Shingo
Paul Akers send a heartfelt thank you Ritsuo Shingo for his tour of the Puerto Rico US. “Thank you for sharing your incredible insight and wisdom over the 6 weeks.” For more information on the Shingo Institute, visit their website.
In Russian
Bob Taylor at FastCap!
Paul Akers talks to the FastCap team about their once in a lifetime opportunity for the FastCap team to meet Bob Taylor!
For more information on Taylor Guitars, visit his website.
Tasmania Productivity Improvers Conference
Paul Akers will be speaking at the Productivity Improvers Conference on March 2-3, 2017. For more information on Productivity Improvers, visit their website.
30+ 2 Second Lean Improvements
Paul Akers discusses the 30+ Lean improvements he and Robbie made to the garden and trash areas at FastCap.
Lean Backpack Sprayer
Robbie and Paul Akers work together on cleaning up the sprayer prep area and created a really cool Lean Backpack Sprayer. Nothing like fixing what bugs you and leaving it cleaner than you found it.
Eliminate Chair – Eliminate Waste
Chris Hotze, of Crescere Capital Management, sent us this video showing his lean thinking behind getting rid of his office chair. He’s a Lean rock star!
34 Minute Mile!
Got my swim time down to a 34 minute mile…with a cheering crowd! Training for the Lake Placid Ironman in July, 2017.
Training for Ironman – Improving Time
Got my swim time down to a 35 minutes mile…super pumped! Training for the Lake Placid Ironman in July, 2017.