Developing Lean Leaders Summit in Santorini Greece

Update: All of the SEA SIDE view rooms are booked! We are now booking rooms across the street in the new Desol Hotel. Only 10 spots left, so book now. For a company discount, contact George Trachilis!

Join Paul Akers, Ritsuo Shingo and George Trachilis in Santorini Greece, July 31 – August 4, 2017 for the 2nd Annual Developing Lean Leaders Summit.

For more information or to register, go to this link.

Just how handy is the MagBand?

Paul Akers uses FastCaps MagBand to keep the dry erase pens handy so FastCap can keep track of their accidents/mistakes. This is not a shaming tool, this is a teaching tool so we all can learn from mistakes and we all can improve!

For more information on FastCap’s MagBand, visit our website.

For more information on FastCap’s SpeedTape, visit our website.