How Arizona Fixed Its Broken Child Welfare System in 2 Years

“‘The journey over the last two years has been nothing short of extraordinary,’ says Shalom Jacobs, deputy director of Arizona’s relatively new Department of Child Safety.

What’s changed most, says Jacobs, is a new management system under Gov. Doug Ducey, a former businessman, that borrows from “lean” practices in the business world to speed up the way they do things. In the past, the agency relied on ad hoc groups that would study an issue for a few months and recommend solutions. Jacobs, who started with the agency as a case specialist in 1999, says that previous leadership never focused on the processes and systems that kept breaking down. Now it’s the staff themselves who diagnose problems, propose solutions and then try out their ideas.”

Press here to read the entire article.

What’s In a World Cup Mechanic’s Toolbox?

“It’s not easy being a World Cup bike mechanic. In addition to the pressure that comes with being in charge of maintaining the bikes of some of the fastest (and most particular) riders in the world, you also need fly around the globe with a toolbox that can handle any situation, whether that’s a quick brake bleed or completely rebuilding a bike after a muddy run…” ~John Hall, Aaron Gwin’s mechanic

Press here to read the entire article.

For more information on FastCap’s Kaizen Foam, visit our website.

Why a cleaner jobsite is a better jobsite

Jason Mollak, president of JPM Construction, wrote this great post discussing by keeping a clean jobsite is important.

“A year ago I started investing in equipment to keep our site cleaner, more organized, and safer. It started with three items: an Oneida Dust Deputy, a FastCap Saw Hood, and an iVac Switch. Since purchasing these items, not only have I changed my mindset about the value of providing a cleaner environment for our employees, but now I also keep an even sharper eye on how our site looks at all times.” Press here to read the entire article.

For more information on FastCap’s ChopShop Saw Hoods, visit our website.

Workout with your dog

James Orrigo, of Lad in a Battle, sent us me video and said, “…I have been listening to your book Lean Health and it has been super motivating! I figured you would get a kick out of this video using our dog Roca to help with morning workouts 🙂 its a work in progress ha…”

Please go to his website and check out the great work he is doing for children who are suffering in the pediatric oncology units!