Brave Innkeeper of “The Bulge”

We read this article in our morning meeting. Paul and Leanne were at this hotel where the eight Americans were killed. This is a powerful story of bravery and heroism. Reggie, their guide from Belgium provided this article as additional background to the story he told them.

The Folly of MBWA

Paul Akers, the president of FastCap, commits to regularly visiting the front lines of his company as part of his leader standard work. But don’t confuse this commitment for “management by walking around” (MBWA). Akers does it as much (or more) for his own edification than for the training of his employees. Press here to read more of the article by Dan Markovitz of Markovitz Consulting.

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“It is hard to believe that I am on my fifth book ‘Miracle in Kazakhstan.’ In January 2015, I accepted an invitation to come to Kazakhstan’s largest construction company – BI Group – to speak about ‘2 Second Lean’. My job was simple; build a lean culture in a company through interpreters, in a language that is as foreign to me as painting a Van Gough would be.” Press here to read the entire Lean Construction blog post.

Toyota in Mexico

We read this article in our Morning Meeting…

“A lack of automation also forces line workers to learn other TPS fundamentals, such as “poka-yoke,” devices or steps in the manufacturing process to prevent errors and defects, and “kaizen,” or continuous improvement.” Press here to read the entire article.