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“Why I Was Wrong About 2 Second Lean”

Dan Markovitz posted this article on his blog. Very thought-provoking.

“It’s time to admit that one of my consulting approaches has failed.

I’m a huge fan of Paul Akers’ 2 Second Lean philosophy. It’s simple, easy to understand, and has an intrinsic appeal: “fix what bugs you.” “Figure out how to do your job two seconds faster each day.” Who wouldn’t sign on to a lean program that promotes that mindset?

So off I went to my clients, with Paul’s videos embedded in my PowerPoint presentation, ready to show them how 2 Second Lean is the answer to their productivity problems, their low employee engagement and morale scores, their mediocre customer service, and their too-high defect rates.

And I failed.”

To read the entire article, press here.

09.28.18 | Categories: Lean, Lean Organizations

The Folly of MBWA

Paul Akers, the president of FastCap, commits to regularly visiting the front lines of his company as part of his leader standard work. But don’t confuse this commitment for “management by walking around” (MBWA). Akers does it as much (or more) for his own edification than for the training of his employees. Press here to read more of the article by Dan Markovitz of Markovitz Consulting.

09.25.16 | Categories: FastCap, Lean, Lean Fastcap