Quick iMovie Improvement

Paul Akers share a trick he uses to help find photos he wants to insert into iMovie when using the iPhone.

Japan Study Mission Feedback

We finished up the Japan Study Mission Team #14 last week and will soon finish up Team #15. Team #17 will be in a couple of weeks. I can’t tell you how humble I am an how much I continue to learn each trip! ~Paul

Team #14 with Mr Amezawa

Here are some quote from Team #14

It is pretty simple. I think it was the best money I’ve ever spent on our business. And I’ve got a million dollars of equipment, so it isn’t like I haven’t invested in our business. I think that trip will be paying itself forward for years. ~Ted Pancoast, Ted Pancoast Woodworking

My lean trip to Japan was life changing. It has shown me how to better myself as a father, Husband and as a business man. Through my experience I now will view people and situations differntly in order to make the world a better place. ~Marco Nikitaras, Hill Street Grocer

Paul’s trip is a educational powerhouse of learning experience that will pay dividends the rest of my life. It opened my eyes to opportunities within my business that were right under my nose the whole time I️ just had to view them them through a different vision. ~Ty McClellan, Hardware Sales Inc.

This was by far the best lean (study group) tour or any tour for that matter that I have ever been on! It was not only educational but through actual live examples and constant dialog, it challenged ideas and beliefs that I have grown comfortable with stimulating me to change my opinion and understanding of many lean concepts. Awesome, well organized and fast paced trip. The content throughout the experience was of the highest caliber and the first hand explanation by actual high level Lean implementers made it credible and valuable! No BS here, all “rubber meets the road” and solid practice. I loved it and would highly recommend it to any one serious about improving their organization and life as well! ~Vernon Nash, Fireblast Global