Focus on the process, not the outcome!

This is an amazing video on Facebook showing the power of focusing on the process, not the outcome. It is also a great example of passionate teaching…with this formula we will win every-time!

Need help “Practicing Lean”?

“If we keep practicing, we might get good at it eventually. We all have a starting point in our personal “Lean journeys.” Looking back at our first year of work in Lean or continuous improvement methodologies, we probably weren’t very good at it. What are our reflections and lessons learned? This book is a compilation of those stories.”

Practicing Lean is a collaborative eBook project initiated by and edited by Mark Graban, with Paul Akers as a contributor. Press here to learn more.

Fiat Chrysler Announcement

Fiat Chrysler announced that it will invest 1 billion in modernizing two Midwestern plants, which will create 2,000 new jobs and enable the production of the Dodge Ram pickup truck currently manufactured in Mexico. We discussed this in our Morning Meeting.

Lean Restart

Paul Akers discusses what you have to do to make Lean work for you…what he would do if he restarted Lean from the beginning.