Slots are filling up for the November Japan Study Missions!

Paul Akers discusses the 4 upcoming Japan Study Missions that will take place this November. Sign up soon, these are filling up fast. Only 17 per session. For more information on the study mission, go to this link.

Nov 06 – 11, 2017 (Team #14) ONLY 3 SLOTS LEFT
Nov 13 – 18, 2017 (Team #15) ONLY 12 SLOTS LEFT
Nov 20 – 25, 2017 (Team #16) ONLY 12 SLOTS LEFT
Nov 27 – Dec 2, 2017 (Team #17) ONLY 13 SLOTS LEFT

Each applicant must submit a video. Here is an example:

Need an amazing deal on a CNC for your woodshop?

Note: this machine has been sold!

Tyler Erickson discusses FastCap’s CNC machine that is for sale. The first $20,000 takes it (shipping not included)!

Contact Tyler Erickson ( or Paul Akers ( for more information.

13 Forward-Thinking Insights for Busy Leaders, Innovators & Entrepreneurs

Paul Akers was interviewed by Forward Thinking Workplace. To see the whole interview and find the answers to the questions below, press here.

Q1: How can we create workplaces where every voice matters, everyone thrives & finds meaning, and change & innovation happen naturally?

Q2: How do we get an employee’s full attention and best performance?

Q3: What do people really lack and long for at work?

Q4: What is the most important question leaders should be asking employees?

Q5: What is the most important question employees should be asking leaders?

Q6: What is the most important question we should be asking ourselves?

Q7: What has been the most intriguing aspect of your lean journey?

Q8: If you were going to add a question to this interview from a lean perspective, what would it be?

Q9: What question is at the heart of lean?

Q10: What is the biggest misunderstanding about lean?


This video was just passed on to me from a friend I cannot recommend it enough the ending will blow your mind nature has the answers… Biomimicry
Nature is super Lean! Designers now study nature for answers. I wonder what it can teach us about Lean?

Practicing Lean

“If we keep practicing, we might get good at it eventually. We all have a starting point in our personal “Lean journeys.” Looking back at our first year of work in Lean or continuous improvement methodologies, we probably weren’t very good at it. What are our reflections and lessons learned? This book is a compilation of those stories.”

To listen to Chapter 5 (Paul’s contribution), press here.

To purchase, press here. (100% of proceeds are being donated to the non-profit Louise H. Batz Patient Safety Foundation)