Refrigerator Magnets to the Rescue

Peter makes some custom refrigerator magnets to identify what is being stored in the dryer.

Die Key

Dalton and Jayme create a die key to quickly figure out if you have the right size die.

FastPipe Restock Improvement

Truman shares how he reorganized the FastPipe restock area.

Wrench Storage Improvement

Skyler comes up with a simple solution to help folks put the wrenches back correctly.

Want to see a Lean team tackle?

2P 10 Station Improvements

Lyle shares a number of improvements he did at the 2P 10 Station.

3rd Hand Magnetic Strip Station

Truman shares the improvements he and Alisha made to the 3rd Hand Magnetic Strip Station.

FastPipe Station Improvement

Truman discusses the improvements he made to the FastPipe Station.

Finding Light Switches

Jacob uses FastCap’s Kaizen Korners to help show the orientation of the light switch.

Lathe Boring Bar Improvement

Dennis gets creative measuring the boring bar on the metal lathe.