Clamshell Storage Improvement

Truman uses FastCap’s FastPipe to build a cart get the clamshells off the ground and gain additional storage, too.

Beau Clip Count

Peter and Skyler find a creative way to count FastCap’s BeauClips. That’s using your wits, not your wallet!

Mondo Grout Gun Tube Improvement

Greg hit all the points on this improvement…safety, quality, simpler, and faster. Very well done!

Why is improving improvements so fun?

Storing Power Shear

Jen uses a FastCap Power Mag for Screw Gun to keep the Power Shears stored safely.

Ever notice how one small improvement leads to another, and another…

Lean starts in a public bathroom

Paul Akers discusses leaving public bathroom better then when he finds them. Show me what you do in the bathroom!

This is what exceptional leadership looks like

Are your employees making continuous improvement videos?

Lean Vacuum Bags

Greg and Tyler fixed what bugs them today by one simple and one less simple improvement to the woodshop vacuum.

Can cracking eggs be Lean?