Lean SawHood Clamp Drill Cleanup

Lukas gets creative on how best to clean up while drilling FastCap’s SawHood Clamp.

Lean Kaizen Foam Tool Display

China Day 9

On this week’s show, Paul Akers travels with his wife, Leanne, to China and shares the amazing 16-day journey with us. Today’s show includes sightseeing in Tibet and then on to Chengdu, China.

Lean Bee Flow Hive!

Paul and Leanne Akers are now the proud host for a Bee Flow Hive. The Flow Hive is a beehive designed to allow honey to be extracted simply by turning a lever: the hive does not have to be opened and the bees are not disturbed as in normal extraction. Now that’s Lean!

07.26.19 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Bees, Paul's Adventures

Lean Grease

Peter starts with a grease gun and ends up with FastCap’s GluBot. When it comes to improving improvements, the sky is the limit!

Lean Thrift Store

Paul Akers visits a thrift store in Japan to find out just how Lean they are. Do you have a deep sense of regret to waste anything?

Apple AirDrop Not Working?

Paul Akers explains some tips to try when Apple AirDrop isn’t working.

07.23.19 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Tech Tips

Lean Heath | Thomas Riner

Thomas Riner, of Farming Outside the Box, shared this video about incorporating Lean into his health.

For more information on Lean Health, go to this link.

07.22.19 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Books, Lean, Lean Farms, Lean Health

Lean 2P-10 inserts

Alisha and Lyle work together to come up with a solution to eliminate lifting the heavy 2P-10 inserts box.

5S Mechanic Tool Drawer

Walters and Wolf show us a simple application of 5S in the mechanic tool drawer using FastCap’s Kaizen Foam. Very useful when needing tools and for knowing what’s missing.