2019 Global Lean Leadership Summit

Don’t forget the 2019 Global Lean Leadership Summit will take place on Sep 22-24 in Riverside, CA hosted by Fireblast Global & Phenix Technology! This is an invite-only event. To attend, please complete the application on the website.

Keeping the Rope Tight

The Japan Study Mission Team learns the power of keeping the rope tight. Are you holding to your standards?

Lean Box Handle

Lyle adds a handle to the PowerHead Screws box to make it safer.

Lean Hub Station

Have you thought about how small improvements every day can really add up!

Lean Garage Door Opener

Lyle uses a FastCap SpeedClip to make emptying the trash easier.

China Day 10

On this week’s show, Paul Akers travels with his wife, Leanne, to China and shares the amazing 16-day journey with us. Today’s show includes sightseeing at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding and the Jinsha site.

Lean Truck Straps

TJ, from Walters and Wolf, shows the Lean way to roll up truck straps.

Lean Draft Stoppers

Jen and Rhonda work together, and with the help of Jayme, fix what bugs them.

Lean Yard Trimmers

Are you “thinking outside the box?”

Lean Bee Keeping

Paul Akers discusses his current endeavor…be keeping.

07.30.19 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Bees