*Contains Videos
Want to See Some Friendly Bees?
Paul Akers discusses how friendly his bees are.
China Day 12
On this week’s show, Paul Akers travels with his wife, Leanne, to China and shares the amazing 16-day journey with us. Today’s show continues the boat tour on the Yangtze River with a stop at the Shibaozhai Temple.
Lean Cardboard Bin
Lukas fixed what bugs him about the cardboard bin.
Lean Firewood Storage
Paul Akers discusses the whole process of wood storage at his house.
Are you looking for Apps that will save you time?
Want to see some Lean Firewood?
Paul Akers discusses how he stores his wood for winter.
Lean Quick Mandrel Build Area
Lyle makes a number of improvements to Lean out FastCap’s Quick Mandrel build area.
Hello Puerto Rico | I’m here to help!
Paul Akers offers to help Puerto Rico on their Lean journey.
China Day 11
On this week’s show, Paul Akers travels with his wife, Leanne, to China and shares the amazing 16-day journey with us. Today’s show includes finishing up in Chengdu, traveling to Chongqing, and beginning a boat tour on the Yangtze River.
Lean Bee Keeping Day 4
Paul Akers discusses the work involved in keeping bees.
He got the idea of the Flow Hive from Thomas Riner, Farming Outside the Box. If you haven’t seen any of his Lean Farming videos, you’re missing out!