Lean Knuckle Bender build, Pt2

Are you working together to improve improvements? Great job Lyle!

Lean Knuckle Bender build, Pt1

Are you shining a light on items that need to be fixed? Great job, Mitch!

Lean Mag Door Build

Janky Clamp

Sometimes a janky clamp is just what you need. Very creative, Matt.

Tail Lock Build

GluBot Clip

Lean Wood Storage

Lean Signs

Matt comes up with a creative use for FastCap’s Puka Patch!

Lean FastCap Stand

Peter and Saed keep improving their improvement with the FastCap Cover Cap stand.

12.07.20 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap

Lean Best Fence Build Station

12.03.20 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap