Lean Labels

Lean Office

04.04.20 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap, Lean Office

Are you making work more enjoyable?

Skyler uses Lean to make tools easier to find & work more enjoyable!

Lean band saw station

Lean Chopper

Lean FastPipe Desk Build

Lean Tool Checkout

Tyler creates a system to check out tools to another area. #banishsloppiness #2secondlean #lean #fixwhatbugsyou #fastcaplean #stopthestruggle #neverstopimproving #banishsloppiness

Lean Little Lipper Station

Kaizen Arrows

03.28.20 | Categories: FastCap, FastCap Products, Lean, Lean Fastcap

Lean PVC Change Over

Peter works with Tyler to shave off 23 seconds off each material change…which can really add up!