Lean Grinder Collection

Peter and Skylar never fail to impress with their creative solutions!

Lean Order Alert Pt 1

Saed works with Max and Lukas to come up with an excellent order alert system #andon at the FastPipe work station.

Lean Kanbans

Skylar gets creative in moving kanbans forward. Simple solutions are so underrated!

Tyler get all his bits organized!

Lean Home Shop Pt 2

Lean Home Shop Pt 1

Dmitriy has done an amazing job making Lean improvements at Paul’s home shop.

Lean Best Fence Packing

Are you using #strongvisualcontrols? Matt, Tyler & Andréa show us how.

FP McCann and 3sing

Adam, at FP McCann in Ireland, shares their 3S (Sweep, Sort, & Standardize) board.

Happy Father’s Day!

A perfect gift for the fathers in your life…a Lean truck!

A perfect gift for the fathers in your life…a Lean truck!

Lean Return Station II

Terrel and Lyle continue to get creative at the return station.