The American Innovator – Lean Re-Start

Paul Akers, of The American Innovator, responds to a question, “what would you do if you were starting your business over with lean?”

For more information on The American Innovator, visit our website or Facebook.

For more information on lean, go to 2 Second Lean or Facebook.

For more information on FastCap, visit our website or Facebook.

To sign up to receive news regarding The American Innovator show, go to this link.

The American Innovator – Professor John Compton

Paul Akers, of The American Innovator, travels to Minneapolis, MN for the 2015 Continuous Improvement Conference. While there, he met Professor John Compton, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Professor Emeritus, Rochester Institute of Technology and founder of Compton & Associates. Professor Compton had the privilege of working with Dr. Deming and discussed with Paul some of the things he learned from Dr. Deming.

For more information on The American Innovator, visit our website or Facebook.

For more information on lean, go to 2 Second Lean or Facebook.

For more information on FastCap, visit our website or Facebook.

To sign up to receive news regarding The American Innovator show, go to this link.

The American Innovator – Walters & Wolf Tour

Paul Akers, of The American Innovator, visits the Phoenix location of Walters & Wolf to learn more about their lean journey and their morning meeting.

For more information of Walters & Wolf, visit their website.

For more information on The American Innovator, visit our website or Facebook.

For more information on lean, go to 2 Second Lean or Facebook.

For more information on FastCap, visit our website or Facebook.

To sign up to receive news regarding The American Innovator show, go to this link.

Approachable Robots on the Assembly Line

Two months ago, Rethink Robotics of Boston, Mass., announced a single-arm, high-performance robot that can execute machine tending, circuit board testing, and other precise tasks that have “historically been impractical to automate with traditional industrial robots.” To read more, go to this link.