Business Ideas Pt 2

Want to know how to make your business idea profitable?

09.16.20 | Categories: *Contains Videos, 2 Second Lean, Lean, eBlast

Lean Hand Dryer

Lean Colors

Lyle cleans up FastCap’s 2P-10 Colorant Kit build area and adds #strongvisualcontrols.

Lean FastPipe

Always good to keep the big fish separate from the little fish! Way to go, Saed!

Lean Screws

Business Ideas Pt 1

Are you looking for profitable business ideas but aren’t sure where to start?

09.09.20 | Categories: *Contains Videos, 2 Second Lean, Lean, eBlast

Lean Milltronics Tool Box

Lukas 3S’d (sweep, sort, & standardize) the milltronics tool box using FastCap’s Kaizen Foam.

Lean Jigs

Vlad fixed what bugs him, making jigs for the metal belt.

09.07.20 | Categories: Fix What Bugs You, Lean, Lean Fastcap

Lean Spreadsheet

Thiago and Christian work together to solve a problem with the cycle times spreadsheet.

Best Fence Build Continuous Improvement

Matt in continually improving the Best Fence build!