Fix What Bugs You
Secret weapon against the moles
Want to know my secret…and Lean…weapon against moles?
Lean Laptop Charging
Jacob shows how by spending a few minutes, he can fix something that bugged him every single day!
Never stop improving!
Tyler and Dennis go to great lengths to improve the Euro Door Stop packaging process. No stone left unturned!
For more information on FastCap’s Euro Door Stop, visit our website.
Lean Dust Collection
Dennis, Greg, & Matt discuss the improvement they made to the sander, changing the dust collection point…and fixing what bugs them!
Was Thomas Jefferson Lean?
Happy Independent’s Day! This Thomas Riner video showing how Thomas Jefferson fixed what bugs him seem appropriate to share again today!
Do you use barcodes to organize your work?
Christain added a barcode to the back of the print Kanban so save time searching through lists.
Are you improving your improvements?
Lukas discusses how he uses FastCap ProHold to improve his improvement for keeping the spray adhesive in its proper place.
For more information on FastCap’s ProHold, visit our website.
Laptop Stays Put
Paul using hook and loop to help hold his laptop in place on the bus during the Japan Study Mission.
For more information on the Japan Study Mission, go to this link.
Are you making small improvement every day?
The folks at Frisco Public Library are showing us how!
Leaving it better than you found it
Are you leaving things better than you found them? The folks at Decorquip show us how!