
Do you always do your best?

Lean Production Desk

Lukas adds a lot of Lean features to the new production desk he put together.

Are you banishing sloppiness?

Lyle shows us how it is done!


Are you paying attention to the small details?

04.13.20 | Categories: Banish Sloppiness, Lean Fastcap

How should we be different?

Lean Labels

Sometimes a label can make all the difference! Thanks, Jayme!

Are you making work more enjoyable?

Skyler uses Lean to make tools easier to find & work more enjoyable!

Lean PVC Change Over

Peter works with Tyler to shave off 23 seconds off each material change…which can really add up!

Lean Grout Gun Tube

Peter finds a creative way to clean out the Grout Gun tube.

Peter finds a

The Purpose of 3S’ing

3S = Sweep, Sort, & Standardize