2019 Global Lean Leadership Summit

Mark your calendar…Bob Hendriksen, of Steelcase, will be speaking at the 2019 Global Lean Leadership Summit that will take place on Sep 22-24 in Riverside, CA hosted by Fireblast Global & Phenix Technology! This is an invite-only event. To attend, please complete the application on the website.

If you are interested in speaking at the Global Lean Leadership Summit, please watch this video and summit a quick video to Paul at Voxer or WhatsApp (+13609413748).

The Great Heroic Age

Paul Akers is in the studio recording his song, The Great Heroic Age.

04.07.19 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Paul's Adventures

What Bugs You?


Lean Drawer Slides

Tyler and Greg use their wits to come up with a faster, easier, Lean way to line up slides on drawers.

My New Smoothie

Paul Akers shows us his new smoothie. Nothing feels better than Lean Health.

03.29.19 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Health

Want to change your life?

Last call! We have a few spots left on the Japan Study Mission Team 29 (April 15-20). For more information, press here.

The Key to Lean

Paul Akers discusses the key to Lean. Do you practice Lean in everything you do?

Total Participation

Want to see what total participation looks like in a company starting Lean? Well, watch is video shared with my be Paul at Kukoon Rugs.

Lean Lid Storage

Thomas Gafgen, of Thomas P. Gafgen Cabinetmakers in Cream Ridge, New Jersey sent us this video showing genius way to store Tupperware lids! For more information on Thomas P. Gafgen Cabinetmakers, visit their website.

Lean Drying Rack

Gary at Furniture Refinishing by Renew shared this video showing how he uses FastCap’s Blind Nail Kit to make quick work of painting and drying cabinets doors.