Anthony, of ODL, sent me their company newsletter from their CEO, Jeff, who is doing 2 Second Lean. So cool! For more information on ODL, visit their website.
*Contains Videos
Router Safety
Adam uses strong visual controls to make sure safety glasses are used when the router is used.
Lean Tape Dispenser
Once again, Lukas uses gravity to make sure the tape gun is right where you need it every time!
Lean Hopper
Skyler uses his wits, not his wallet to #fixwhatbugyou at the Hopper!
Lean Labels
Small changes can make a big difference. Thanks, Saed!
Lean Bags
Lyle and Andrew work together to fine-tune the ETR bags.
Lean Trash Can
Want to keep your trash can in its place. Dave Lelonek of Sticky RX shows us how.
Lean Drawer Front Clamp Station
Lyle adds his magic to the Drawer Front Clamp station.
FP McCann and 3sing
Adam, at FP McCann in Ireland, shares their 3S (Sweep, Sort, & Standardize) board.
Lean Dremel Storage
Lukas adds safety glasses to the Dremel tote.