Fathers, Sons & Mentoring with Paul Akers & Chris Hotze

“Author Chris Hotze and Lean maniac Paul Akers in the studio sharing how success is more caught than taught. It’s a mindset that’s contagious and seeing and hearing real-life examples of it actually lived out is more powerful than what can be taught in any class.

Mailbox Money Mindset author Chris Hotze joins entrepreneur Paul Akers to share how their fathers instilled this mindset in each of them and how to pass this mindset on to others.”

Tegu Lean | Honduras

Hi Everyone, I am about to go on the most incredible trip of my lifetime…going to Honduras to work with a company called Tegu who makes magnetic children’s toys. I am going there strictly on a humanitarian basis to help this company implement Lean so they can keep the 300+ jobs that this amazing company has created…please be thinking of me this week…it’s the most important trip! Here’s a video of their company. ~Paul