Paul Akers describes his favorite project of 2018…a bridge and bench in his Japanese garden at his home.
BI Group Update
Paul Akers will be checking back in the BI Group in March 2019. Finally found someplace colder than Kazakhstan!
Lean Travel Pad
Paul Akers gets ready for his 14 flight with the Travel Pad that Seating Matters mad for him. For more information on Seating Matter, visit their website. Want more Lean Travel tips, check out my Lean Travel book.
The Key to Lean
Paul Akers discusses the key to Lean.
Seattle Mariners Spring Training Motto!
“The official motto of the Mariners’ Spring Training — as posted boldly on the team’s clubhouse walls at the Peoria Sports Complex — is “Kaizen,” which is the Japanese word for continuous improvement.” Press here to read the entire article.
Lean Life Intro
Paul Akers shares the intro from his newest book, Lean Life, that should be will be available soon. For more information on Paul’s books, press here.
What have you fixed that bugs you today?
Tyler uses some hook and loop tape to fix what bugs him.
FastCap Morning Meeting
Paul Akers shares a recent morning meeting at FastCap.
TPS is Flexible
Paul Akers discusses how you must allow flexibility on your Lean system.