Lean Travel
Lean Travel Book – Word from the Author
Lean Travel Book – Intro
4 Lean Books!
Paul Akers discuss his 4 Lean Books, 2 Second Lean, Lean Health, Lean Travel, and in 2019, Lean Life will be available. For more information on Paul’s book, press here.
Looking for a last minute present?
Paul’s books are the gifts that will change someone’s life! For more information, press here.
Airline Lounge Orientation
Paul Akers recommends looking around at airports and airport lounges. Sometime the best stuff is a little harder to find.
Lean Travel Book – English
For thousands of years we have all wondered what is around the bend or across the ocean. One more turn in the road, one more mountain to climb, one more vista to behold. The lure of adventure becomes irresistible. This book teaches you how I applied Lean principals in an edgy way to improve every aspect of the way I travel.
Lean Travel – My Top Tips
Please note, our iPole products (including the iPole Mini, iPole Stealth, iPole Trekking, & SuperMount), the iGooseNeck, the iClip, and all RhinoMount products have been discontinued.
Paul Akers provides his top travel tips that he discusses in his new book, Lean Travel.
For more information on Lean Travel, press here.
For more information on FastCap’s iPole, visit our website.
Introducing Lean Travel
Often when I read books, I’m not quite sure what the author’s main point is, so I find myself racking my brain to figure out what he or she is trying to communicate. This can be frustrating and time-consuming, so when I write, I want my meaning to be as clear as possible.
To make it easier for my readers, I try to include a section that explicitly summarizes it into just one simple concept. For example, in my first book, 2 Second Lean, the goal was to teach the reader to “learn to see waste.” In my second book, Lean Health, I said I wanted you to “treat your body like you would treat a Ferrari.” With Lean Travel, I want to show you how to “travel light and with a grateful heart.”
How to write a book
Paul Akers discusses the mechanics he used to write his books:
2 Second Lean
Lean Health
Lean Travel