Paul Akers discusses The Isuzu Group…a very visionary company. We can all learn from their operational excellence! Pay attention to the 60 second changing of the die!
Change your View!
Paul Akers discusses how with Lean you constantly need to change your view. The most important improvement you can make is the improvement you can make right now.
[longer version]
[In Russian]
Quality Seen and Unseen
Paul Akers visits a Kawada Industries job site and discusses their precision and efficiency…even on items unseen.
Amazing Cell Design
Paul Akers discusses a magical cell design in a Japanese company.
Lean Signage
Chris Hotze, of Crescere Capital Management, sent us this video showing how simple KPI’s can help standardize their mall signs.
Can a shopping mall be Lean?
Paul Akers walks us through a Lean shopping center in Japan. Not only do they practice Lean, they teach their renters to practice Lean!
Is your Sushi Lean?
Paul Akers takes us along to a Sushi restaurant in Japan…and it is Lean!
More improvements
Giving the customer what they want
Lean Elevator
Paul discusses the continuous flow elevator he ran into in Germany. So efficient.