Thomas and Suzie Visit FastCap

Thomas and Suzie came from a large bank in Slovakia to work with FastCap for 30 days to learn how we build a lean culture.

01.07.12 | Categories: FastCap, Lean, Lean Fastcap

Culture Isn’t Costly

Tue Dec 27, 2011

Successful company culture can make the difference between a workplace people dread and one they brag about. You don’t have to have a Google-sized budget to offer great culture. Many culture-changing initiatives have no direct costs to the company. In fact, when properly executed, culture-improving initiatives can lower company costs in both the short and long term. To Read More

12.27.11 | Categories: Lean News

Cornerstone Christian School – Lean School Desk

Emma shows us “what is lean” when it comes to organizing the classroom desks.

12.13.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Kids

Cornerstone Christian School – Lean Instruments

Austin shows us “what is lean” when it comes to organizing instruments.

12.13.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Kids

Lean FastCap Style

Paul Akers and Andrey go over using Kaizen (lean manufacturing) to improve a process at FastCap (featuring FastCap’s 2p-10 Activator). To learn more about FastCap, visit our website:

12.13.11 | Categories: FastCap, FastCap Products, Lean, Lean Fastcap

Lean: Fine Line Automation

It is great to see lean in action at other organizations! Here are some videos from Fine Line Automation showing how they are incorporating lean principles.

Lean: Fork Lift

Lean: Extrusion Rack

Lean: Miter Saw Hood

Lean: Drill Press

12.01.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean Organizations

Lean Morning Improvement Walk

In the spirit of Kaizen (continuous improvement) we take a morning walk around the facility to see how, and what can be improved everyday!

Lean: The Morning Meeting

The driving force behind the FastCap lean culture!

Typical Daily Lean Improvements

Andrey and Paul walk us through a simple yet effective lean improvement using our own FastEdge!

Lean Executive Office

How to change the way you think about a conventional office. Lean thinking is a powerful way of thinking, that eliminates waste at every turn and where you would least expect. Paul Akers takes you on his lean journey to creating a lean work place and a super lean office.