The American Innovator – Lean: The most Important Thing!
Paul Akers, of The American Innovator broadcast, discusses what he learned as he traveled around the world these past six weeks to small and large factories and businesses. He discovered the one thing he has missed in teaching and training people…two critical lean concepts.
For more information on The American Innovator, visit our website.
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Lean: Cooking Oil
Dave West of MV Construction takes lean home with him. He demonstrated how he used lean principles in the kitchen to easily identify the cooking oils. For more information on FastCap, visit our website.
Lean Cat Food for Fastcap Cats
Paul Akers and Michelle demonstrate how to set up FastCap’s FLEX Tool Bag to conveniently store food for the FastCap cats! For more information on this product, visit our website.
FastCap’s SuperMount on DIY steadicam for my iPhone
“The FastCap SuperMount is incredibly versatile as shown here mounted to my DIY steadicam shoulder rig. It simply screws onto the Manfrotto quick release mounting plate and securely holds my iPhone, any smartphone or small digital camera.” David West of MV Construction
For more information on this product, visit our website.
Hauling the Mail
Cheryl at Walters & Wolf shows how they used lean principles to save time distributing the office mail.
Lean USB Cord
Dave West, of MV Construction, sent us this video of his 2 Second Improvement. For more information on Lean, visit our website.
Lean Home Directions
Martin Atkins of Toolovation, submitted this video of himself using FastCap’s RhinoMount to shoot a video of the driving directions to his home. What a clever idea! For more information on FastCap’s RhinoMount, visit our website.
Organizing Bins
Dave West, or MV Construction shows how he used lean principles to organize his bins. For more information on lean, visit 2 Second lean.
Paul Akers Shares Tips for Morning Meetings
While in Israel, Paul Akers visited with Sam Korb of Lean Israel. For more information on Lean, visit 2 Second Lean.
Katie’s Bookbag
Katie discusses how she used lean principles to keep from being late for school…again! What a impressive kid, and what a hopeful video! For more information on lean, visit 2 Second Lean. For more lean kid videos, go to this link.