China Day 1

On this week’s show, Paul Akers travels with his wife, Leanne, to China and shares the amazing 16-day journey with us. Today’s show includes a scooter ride through Beijing.

Welcome FP McCann Ltd.

Paul Akers welcomes FP McCann Ltd. on their Lean journey. For more information on FP McCann Ltd., visit their website.

Mark’s (FP McCann) response to Paul:

Lean 3rd Hand Contractor Pack Build

Lukas explains how he used the Lean principle of wasted motion to Lean out the 3rd Hand Contractor Pack build area.

The Art of Screwing Up

Are you failing often and failing fast?

Lean GluBot Gaskets

Lyle and Lukas work together to improve the GluBot Gasket parts area.

The Great Heroic Age | Music Video

On this week’s show, Paul Akers, inspired by his recent trip to Antartica, shares a music video that he wrote and put together with the help of Georgia Heckman and Greg Otterholt.

The story behind the song:

In the studio:

Music Video:

Ise Shrine

Paul Akers visits the Ise Shrine and shares the experience with us.

05.24.19 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Paul's Adventures

Crazy Lean Thrift Store!

Paul Akers visits a thrift store in Japan to find out just how Lean they are. Do you have a deep sense of regret to waste anything?

05.23.19 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Organizations

Total Participation

Want to see what total participation looks like in a company starting Lean? Well, watch is video shared with my be Paul at Kukoon Rugs.


Paul Akers find the perfect example to explain poka-yoke: any mechanism in any process that helps an equipment operator avoid (yokeru) mistakes (poka). Its purpose is to eliminate product defects by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to human errors as they occur. If you like this video, give it a thumbs up & subscribe to our channel.