Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award Winner!

Shingo-logoGeorge Trachilis, of Lean Leadership Institute Submitted 2 Second Lean for The Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award. And it won! “2 Second Lean has joined a distinguished group of recipients that have demonstrated a commitment to promoting Operational Excellence through published works, and we are proud to add this publication to that elite group.”

“By design, the Shingo Awards represent the highest standard of excellence in the world. Not only do your efforts distinguish you as a member of an elite group doing world-class work, you are also changing the world and we are honored to have you with us on the journey.”

We loved their initial feedback!

Norman Bodek – Meeting the Masters

If you are old enough, you will remember the slogan, “When E. F. Hutton talks, everyone listens.” Well when Norman Bodek talks, I listen and encourage you to, also. Below are a compilation of articles Norman wrote for the Association of Manufacturing Excellence. I have permission to post the drafts, but I encourage you to check out their website for additional Lean content.

Meeting the Masters Part I

Meeting the Masters Part II

Meeting the Masters Part III