Lean Health
Looking for a last minute present?
Paul’s books are the gifts that will change someone’s life! For more information, press here.
Are you a Pinto or a Ferrari?
In Paul Akers’ book, Lean Health, he asked the question, “Do you treat your body like a Ferrari or a Pinto?”
Max is Living Lean
Max Lemberger sent us this testimonial about how Lean Health changed his life. It is well worth the 5 minutes to watch this video. It can change your life!
Paul Akers Website
Paul Akers talks about his new website, paulakers.net, where you can find everything Lean, included his books, 2 Second Lean, Lean Health, Lean Travel, his App, Lean PD, the Lean Hub, The American Innovator, Speaking Events, etc.. Basically, this website is where you go for everything besides FastCap.
Thanks Paul!
Thanks Paul! It all started with me reading Lean Health as a fat slob while sipping a venti caramel macchiato! I realized I was going to die of a heart attack if I didn’t make a change… so I made a change that day and haven’t consumed poisonous processed sugar or any other bad food since. I’m all in.
How to write a book
Paul Akers discusses the mechanics he used to write his books:
2 Second Lean
Lean Health
Lean Travel