Lean Bathroom with Kaizen Foam

Brian sent us this video showing his son Bryce’s lean improvement in the Bathroom. Keep up the great work, Bryce!

05.02.13 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Homes

Tool Box Organization

One of our customers sent us this video showing how he organized his toolbox with FastCap’s Kaizen Foam. If you want to try Kaizen Foam, visit our website.

Tool Box Organization

One of our customers sent us this video showing how he organized his toolbox with FastCap’s Kaizen Foam. If you want to try Kaizen Foam, visit our website.

Daniel’s Lean Journey

Daniel sent us this video showing off his lean improvements at home. Daniel is just beginning his lean journey, so I’m sure we will see more videos in the future!

For more information on lean, visit 2 Second Lean.

04.19.13 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Homes

Lean Airplane

Paul Akers demonstrates how lean principles can apply to his plane so he never runs down the battery again. For more information on lean, visit 2 Second Lean.

03.30.13 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap, Lean Homes

Lean Vacuum Cleaner

A customer sent us this video of his 2 Second Lean improvement.  Nice!

02.28.13 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Homes

Lean Kitchen – The Knife Drawer

Andreas shows what he did in his kitchen to make basic tasks like cutting and food prep faster, and safer!

(we recommend he also try FastCap’s Kaizen Foam to help organize drawers!)

02.04.13 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Homes

RCV in Attic

Paul Akers demonstrates FastCap’s RCV (Remote Control Vacuun) while up in the attic. What a time saver! For more information on this product, visit our website.

Lean Camera Battery

Paul Akers shows a simple 2 second improvement on how to put the battery in his new camera correctly every time.

11.13.12 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Homes

Lean: Cooking Oil

Dave West of MV Construction takes lean home with him. He demonstrated how he used lean principles in the kitchen to easily identify the cooking oils. For more information on FastCap, visit our website.

10.01.12 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Homes