Lean Bags

Lyle and Andrew work together to fine-tune the ETR bags.

Lean Trash Can

Want to keep your trash can in its place. Dave Lelonek of Sticky RX shows us how.

Lean Drawer Front Clamp Station

FP McCann and 3sing

Adam, at FP McCann in Ireland, shares their 3S (Sweep, Sort, & Standardize) board.

Lean Dremel Storage

Lean Dust Door Instructions

Lukas and Jayme work together to make it easier for our Dust Door customers.

Lean Saw Hole Bits

Lean Training

Peter had a great idea to standardize our order pick training. Then Lukas worked with Lauren to make it happen.

Lean Production Cart

Lukas takes the first pass on creating a production cart.


Pallet Clips to the rescue

Lukas uses FastCap’s Pallet Clip to fix what bugs him. Thanks, Jayme for the assist!