Loose Battery Charger

Andrey was continually frustrated by the way the battery charger kept falling out of place. He made a quick 2-second improvement to fix the problem with some wood and FastCap’s 2P-10 Adhesive. Okay, maybe 3 minutes, but it was still pretty quick. Way to go Andrey!

04.28.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, General

Lean Failure

Paul Akers discusses a Lean failure at FastCap as a learning experience.

For more information on lean, visit 2 Second Lean.

03.30.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap

Lean Failure

Paul Akers discusses a Lean failure at FastCap as a learning experience.

For more information on lean, visit 2 Second Lean.

03.30.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap

Lean: Failure

Paul Akers talks about how you need to keep applying lean principles or you will fail. It is important to set expectations, periodically inspect, and then reinforce.

03.30.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap

Lean Lantech Vision

Paul Akers interviews Jim Lancaster from Lantech about their Lean journey.

03.29.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Organizations

Lean Metrics

Paul Akers responds to a customer question related to Lean and metrics.

For more information on FastCap, visit our website.

For more information on lean, visit 2 Second Lean.

03.21.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap

Lean Metrics

Paul Akers responds to a customer question related to Lean and metrics.

For more information on FastCap, visit our website.

For more information on lean, visit 2 Second Lean.

03.21.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap

Lean Tool Box

A FastCap Team member discusses the advantages of a Lean tool box.

For more information on FastCap, visit our website.

For more information on lean, visit 2 Second Lean.

03.04.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap

Lean Tool Box

A FastCap Team member discusses the advantages of a Lean tool box.

For more information on FastCap, visit our website.

For more information on lean, visit 2 Second Lean.

03.04.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Fastcap

What Bugs You Comedy

2-second improvements are all about fixing what bugs you. Today Preet, Paul S., Aleksey and I had some fun making this video. We hope you enjoy it! Making improvements should be fun.

03.02.11 | Categories: *Contains Videos, General, Lean, Lean Fun