Banish Sloppiness Book

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Nande is the Japanese word for why. Why did I write this book? First and foremost, I wanted to deepen my own understanding of how the Japanese do life. The idea of coalescing 18 years of learning into one document has great appeal to me. If I can understand why the Japanese do what they do, it will be easier for me to embrace their extraordinary thinking. The more time I spend musing and writing about this subject, the more I can successfully implement these profound ideas into my life. This book is a great long-term project which allows me to keep revisiting the ideas in order to make sure they fully permeate my thinking.

So what’s in it for you…why should you read this book? For me, the epiphany of “banishing sloppiness and falling in love with precision” began one of the most important journeys of my life. I identified my sloppiness and used Japanese thinking to transform my life into a new kodawari (uncompromising and relentless pursuit) of precision and quality. My hope and prayer is that this book might also begin a journey in your life that creates greater fulfillment and respect for the abundance and blessings we have all been given.

The Japanese have overcome enormous adversities, both self-imposed and from external conditions, yet developed one of the most remarkable cultures in the world. This book will give you my insights into how they did it and how I applied their thinking in my life and work.

What people are saying about Banish Sloppiness

Richard Fuller of County Battery