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Application Process

Costs: Contact Paul for the current price at +13609413748. Your next step after registering is to send a short one to two-minute video, holding your phone horizontally and tell me why you want to go to Japan. Send it to me on Signal. Upon receiving the video and acceptance, Paul will give you a detailed checklist to prepare you for everything you need to do. You are responsible for the extra room charges if you are sharing a room with someone who is not participating in the 2 Second Lean Japan Experience. Additional questions? Contact Paul ( or Signal (+13609413748).

What’s not included: Air transportation to and from Japan. Airport transfers on the day of arrival and on the day of departure. Those should only run $20-$30 each way. Most dinners are not included but there will be 2 dinners that we will provide that will be wonderful. Simply put, once you’re in the country, unless you’re a crazy drinker or spender, you should not spend more than $100 – $200 USD. The trip is very comprehensive.

  • Sample video

    Step 1: Every applicant is required to produce a 1-2 minute video stating why you want to go to Japan and why you should be accepted on the trip. The curious need not apply; only those who are serious about moving to the next level. Videos should be sent to Paul via WhatsApp (+13609413748) or Signal for registration approval.

    Step 2: After obtaining Paul's approval, complete the registration form below. NOTE: You will receive an online confirmation, followed up with an email confirmation if you have completed this form successfully. If not, look for the highlighted areas to correct before you leave this page.

    Step 3: Submit payment.

    Step 4: Install Signal We will use this App to communicate before/during/after the tour.

    Step 5: Wait for Paul to give you the go-ahead to purchase airline tickets.

    Step 6: Watch videos in preparation for the trip (see videos tab). REQUIRED READING: 2 Second Lean (see books menu item).
    We will use Signal for team communicate prior, during, and after the Japan Experience so everyone will need to install this App.
  • Hidden
    Teams will fill up in SEQUENTIAL order. Teams fill up FAST! Sign up to reserve your spot!
  • For current cost contact Paul at +1-360-941-3748.
    When paying, make the check out to FastCap referencing "Japan Experience" and mail to:

    5016 Pacific Hwy
    Ferndale, Washington 98248

    Or to wire transfer payment, please contact Leanne Akers (360.961.3748 or
Additional questions? Contact Paul via Voxer or Signal (+13609413748).