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What are 10 basic rules of etiquette for Japan?

  1. You do not walk and eat.
  2. You do not talk on the subway.
  3. You always put your backpack in front of you on the subway.
  4. Be prepared to carry your trash there are very few trash cans.
  5. You do not talk loudly in public.
  6. Always be considerate of the people around you make sure you’re not blocking the way for an oncoming bike or pedestrian.
  7. Keep left on the escalators.
  8. No talking on the phone on the subway.
  9. Do not put your hands in your pocket.
  10. Learn how to say, thank you, hello, excuse me and good morning.

Where do I exchange money?

At the airport or at most hotel we recommend at least $100 at the airport.
ATM: the best machine is 7-11 ATM

Do they take credit cards in Japan?

Many establishments do but some do not so it’s always good to have a little cash on you.

How do you get from the airport into Tokyo to the hotel?

You can take a bus 30 USD, taxi 150 USD or train 30 USD. I have made videos on how to do all of those click on the link below.

Here are the transportation details getting from Narita and Haneda airport to our hotel.

Narita Airport to Asakusa Hotel

Haneda Airport to Asakusa Hotel

Kyoto to Osaka kIX airport

Tokyo station by bus to Narita

Airport GPS Overview video

Hotel website in Tokyo

Google map location, Hotel Tokyo

This is what you can show to the taxi cab driver in Japanese and they will take you right to the hotel


What can I expect at the hotels that we are staying at?

Everyone: it is very important to watch these two videos. They will help you a lot.


Hotel website in Tokyo

Google map location, Hotel Tokyo

How big of a suitcase? Can I bring?

Carry-on only, large check bags are very difficult to travel with and they are not necessary in Japan, because the hotels we stay in have free washing machines with the detergent automatically adding the detergent. You can bring very few clothes and get by very nicely in Japan. The big question is what if I want to shop and bring things from Japan? We recommend bringing a small duffel bag that can easily be put inside your small suitcase and then as you accumulate things, you can do most of the shopping on the last two days, so you’re not dragging big suitcases and heavy luggage through the train stations and on the bus. We literally don’t have the room for big luggage. If you get really big on the last few days, we can manage it. To further explain, if we put three people in a taxi cab and everybody has a large suitcase we can’t fit.

What kind of shoes should I have in Japan?

We will be walking a lot so comfortable shoes are must tennis shoes are acceptable. They should be more on the dressy side not too casual. also, if you can get shoes that easily slip on and off, that is ideal like Birkenstocks or something like that the reason being is, we will be taking our shoes on and off a lot both at hotels and businesses.

What is the dress code?

Business casual what that means is no jeans no T-shirts no hoodies. You need to look professional and serious. Do not show up in shorts or anything that could possibly offend the host companies. We will be visiting always error on the conservative side. If you show up inappropriately in the morning, you’ll be asked either change or you will not be allowed to go on site visit. Please refer to the dress code page on my website under Japan.

Is it difficult to use visa to pay for things like train tickets?

Most ticket machine terminals will accept a visa or MasterCard. At some terminals at the airport you will have a little bit more of a problem. If you go up to the counter where you physically talk to someone, they can probably take your credit card to purchase a ticket.

The solution is to simply exchange $100 immediately when you get outside the arrival area so you can use cash when you need to. Visa and MasterCard ( not American Express ) are widely accepted but not everywhere.

I heard that tattoos are frowned on in Japan.

There is no problem if you have tattoos in Japan and a lot of foreigners do. The problem is when you try to go into the onsen or natural Hot Springs at the hotels. Hotels require that you cover them. You can go to the front desk and they will give you a patch that you can put over your tattoos.

What does it cost to go to Japan?

Please direct message Paul on Signal or WhatsApp my telephone number is +1-360-941-3748.

How much cash should I bring?

If you’re conservative in your spending no more than $400 USD should be enough but if you like expensive dinners and you spend a lot on souvenirs you should bring thousands.

What is the weather like?

Type in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kyoto into your weather app and referred to it a couple weeks before you leave, you should be able to determine the appropriate clothes. In general, we don’t go when it’s too hot or really cold but you should always have a coat to keep you warm in the evening.

I’m very sensitive to different kinds of food. What should I do?

Honestly, if you’re a picky eater, this is the wrong place to go. You need to be open and flexible when you’re in Japan, you’re not going to be forced to eat anything too weird but if you’re adhering to some restrictive diet, you’re going to be too much to manage. This is only one week of your life suck it up and be flexible.

How much experience should I have if I go to Japan?

The minimum requirements is that you must be practicing 2SL for at least six months. You must be a very Earnest Lean practitioner. This is not for newbies.

Is Japan expensive?

If you’re a native and you know how to get around it’s very inexpensive. If you’re reckless and you just buy anything at any place it can be very expensive,

How is Jetlag?

It can be very difficult. That’s why we recommend you show up the day before the trip starts. The key is to immediately set your watch and phone to Japan time the second you get on the plane. Do not wait for it to change when you get into the country, your mind needs to immediately start thinking in the new time zone.

Will I have time to do shopping?

Yes, there will be some times in the evening that you can go to stores and buy gifts and things for your family, but this is a very busy trip. Don’t expect a lot of free time.

How many people are in each team?

There are only a maximum of 16 people plus Paul and Mami who lead the team.

Do they speak much English in Japan?

No, they don’t speak much English, so don’t count on it. Occasionally, you’ll have people that can speak English, but it’s few and far between.