Are you a lean crawler???

Filipe Marques, of Torre, sent us this video 4 years ago discussing how he would much rather be a lean crawler then a lean thinking. Still profound!!!

02.10.20 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean Organizations

2 Second Lean – Polish Version

Good news! The Polish version of 2 Second Lean is now available in audio formats. So go to the book page and check it out!

08.16.18 | Categories: 2 Second Lean, Polski

Welcome to Lean Kukoon Rugs

Paul Akers welcomes Kukoon Rugs on their Lean journey. For more information about Kukoon Rugs, visit their website.

05.31.18 | Categories:

Is your job boring?

The folks at Cambridge Engineering and doing a fantastic job!!!

01.29.18 | Categories: 2 Second Lean, Lean, Lean Organizations, eBlast

VanTec Waste

Sherri Hotzler, of Vantec, Inc., sent us this video showing how that reduced wasted regrind. Continuous improvement has great dividends.

12.30.17 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Organizations

Wash, Rinse & Dry All in One

Wash, Rinse and Dry your hand all in one sink. Now that’s lean!

12.26.17 | Categories: *Contains Videos, Lean, Lean Organizations

Ever had toolbox envy?

11.23.16 | Categories: 2 Second Lean, Lean, eBlast

Some ideas you may or may not want to try at home!

11.16.16 | Categories: 2 Second Lean, Lean, eBlast

Is your Sushi Lean?

Paul Akers takes us along to a Sushi restaurant in Japan…and it is Lean!

More improvements

Giving the customer what they want

Don’t be a key hater!

11.09.16 | Categories: 2 Second Lean, Lean, eBlast